Wellesley Estate Planning

Welcome to our website. It is intended to provide a general, brief background to the topics listed. It is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with an estate planning or probate attorney, nor does it offer anything which can be relied upon as legal advice or tax advice. Legal advice or tax advice is provided only pursuant to a written engagement agreement after receipt of a deposit or in a face to face meeting.
Planning for Different Ages
Planning for Incapacity
As you grow more mature, your planning needs mature as well. To avoid the need for a guardianship proceeding, you can plan ahead.
Couples with Children
Death and Taxes
Couples with minor children have special concerns and needs. What are the tax implications of death? Do you care?
Same Sex or Unmarried Couples
Business Succession Planning
In a mobile society, some couples have unique concerns. Estate planning should be an integral part of your business planning.
Life Insurance
Residences and Real Estate Assets
Life insurance offers a wide variety of planning possibilities. If real estate assets are a signficant part of your estate, you may wish to take advantage of special planning opportunities.
Estate Planning for Two States
Charitable Options
If you have real property in more than one state, additional planning is prudent. Charitable Estate Planning includes many different options, including possibilities for enhanced income during your lifetime.

A Selection of Frequently-Asked Questions
This is a selection of general answers to various questions. No FAQ answer is intended as specific legal advice, because each situation has its own special facts and circumstances.

For More Information:
Law Offices of Jameson & Cooper
8 Grove Street, Suite 205
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02482
Tel.: (781) 237-7766